Google Analytics 4 Enhances Support for Accelerated Mobile Pages

Google Analytics 4: In today’s digital age, where mobile devices have become an integral part of our lives, it is essential for businesses to optimize their websites for mobile users. One of the key aspects of mobile optimization is ensuring that web pages load quickly and provide a seamless user experience.

In line with this, Google Analytics 4 has now extended its support for Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP), bringing enhanced tracking and analysis capabilities to mobile-friendly websites. This article aims to explore the significance of Google Analytics 4 supporting AMP and its impact on website performance and user engagement.

Google Analytics 4

Before delving into the importance of Google Analytics 4 supporting AMP, let’s first understand what Google Analytics 4 is. Google Analytics 4 is the latest iteration of Google’s analytics platform that provides valuable insights into website traffic, user behavior, and other crucial metrics. It offers a comprehensive view of how users interact with a website, enabling businesses to make data-driven decisions and optimize their online presence.

Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)

Accelerated Mobile Pages, commonly known as AMP, are lightweight web pages designed to load quickly on mobile devices. They are built using a simplified version of HTML, prioritizing speed and performance. AMP aims to eliminate slow-loading web pages, improving the overall mobile browsing experience for users. These pages are often used for content-heavy websites such as news articles, blogs, and e-commerce platforms.

Importance of Google Analytics 4 supporting AMP

The recent integration of Google Analytics 4 with Accelerated Mobile Pages brings several benefits for website owners and marketers. Let’s explore the significance of this support in more detail:

  • Enhanced Tracking Capabilities

By supporting AMP, Google Analytics 4 provides more accurate and detailed tracking of user interactions on mobile devices. It allows businesses to gain insights into how visitors engage with their AMP-enabled web pages. The integration enables the tracking of events, such as clicks, form submissions, video views, and scroll depth, providing a comprehensive understanding of user behavior.

  • Comprehensive Data Analysis

With Google Analytics 4’s support for AMP, businesses can now analyze the performance of their AMP pages alongside their regular web pages. This integration offers a unified view of website data, allowing marketers to compare the performance of AMP and non-AMP content. By analyzing user behavior on both types of pages, businesses can optimize their content strategy and improve engagement.

  • Mobile User Experience Optimization

The collaboration between Google Analytics 4 and AMP emphasizes the significance of providing a seamless mobile user experience. With faster-loading AMP pages, users are more likely to stay on the website, consume content, and complete desired actions. By leveraging the insights from Google Analytics 4, businesses can identify areas for improvement, optimize their AMP pages, and enhance the overall mobile user experience.

  • Improved SEO Performance

Mobile optimization is a critical factor in search engine rankings, and AMP plays a vital role in improving a website’s visibility in mobile search results. With Google Analytics 4 supporting AMP, businesses can monitor organic traffic and user engagement specifically on AMP pages. This data can be used to refine SEO strategies, increase organic visibility, and attract more mobile users to the website.

  • Data-Driven Decision Making

Google Analytics 4’s integration with AMP empowers businesses to make informed decisions based on reliable data. By tracking the performance of AMP pages and understanding user behavior, marketers can optimize their content, design, and marketing efforts.

AMP & GA4 Integration Explained

The integration of Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) with Google Analytics 4 (GA4) brings about certain specific details that are worth noting. AMP pages work like HTML pages and can be viewed on any browser, but they do not support the use of gtag.js, which is used in Google Analytics. Instead, a separate tag is provided explicitly for AMP to ensure proper tracking and analysis.

Moreover, the process of user identification differs for AMP in GA4. In GA4, user identifiers are created randomly and kept in local storage or cookies. This random generation ensures the privacy and security of user data. It’s important to note that when a user clears their cookies and local storage, the user identifier is reset.

Consequently, there is no need for IP masking, as IP addresses are not logged or stored in GA4, further safeguarding user privacy.


In order to gather data, it is essential to incorporate the AMP Analytics tag. This tag allows for the collection of various types of information, including page data, user data, browsing data, browser data, interaction data, and event data.

Moreover, it is mandatory for all websites to inform users about the methods of data collection and usage in GA4, as well as provide an option for users to opt out.


When it comes to AMP, GA4 has a few restrictions. It doesn’t have the features like consent mode settings, dynamic configuration, e-commerce events, or the extra improvements found in the regular Google Analytics.

However, it is worth noting that Google plans to introduce more AMP capabilities in the future, expanding its functionalities over time.

Google AMP Client ID API and Cache Analysis

It is important to mention that Google has recently introduced the AMP Client ID API, which aims to improve the tracking of users across AMP pages.

Previously, when a person engaged with your content on your website or through Google viewers like the Google AMP viewer or Google Search, they were counted as two different users in your analytics because the content was presented in different ways.

With the AMP Client ID API, you can now assign a consistent identifier to a single user across these contexts. This enables you to obtain a comprehensive view of their engagement with your AMP content, regardless of where it is served.

Instructions for AMP

Here are the revised instructions for configuring Analytics to track user interactions with your AMP pages in Google’s cache and on your website:

  1. Include the following code in the Analytics tag on your AMP pages:

vars: {

‘ampHost’: ‘${ampdocHost}’


  • In your Google Analytics 4 property, set up a custom parameter called “ampHost” to monitor the location where the AMP page is served.
  • Restart your AMP pages to make the changes effective.

After you finish these steps, GA4 will keep track of whether each AMP pageview came from your website or the Google AMP cache. This data will be included in your reports using the “ampHost” custom parameter.

By following these steps, you can gain insights into user engagement across the different contexts in which your AMP content is accessed.


Google’s new analytics initiative is a much-needed step. It addresses one of the key issues with mobile devices and webpages- the slow loading speeds.

By supporting Accelerated Mobile Pages, Google is helping users have the ability to interact with content from a single publisher on various websites within a single session. This is a great move by Google and one that will undoubtedly benefit both users and businesses alike.

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