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Google universal analytics 360 users given more time for ga4 switch

If you’re a user of the enterprise version of Universal Analytics, listen up, this one’s for you!

Google has officially pushed back the sunset date of Universal Analytics 360 to July 1st, 2024. This only applies to the enterprise version, though, as the sunset date for the standard Universal Analytics properties will happen on July 1st, 2023.

This is great news for users of the enterprise version as not only are they given more time to make the switch to GA4, it also gives Google more time to develop the enterprise aspect of this version of GA.

That being said, the sooner you make the switch the more historical data you’ll have access to, so if you want to make the switch now, you can! In fact, to encourage customers to make the switch sooner rather than later, Google has announced a list of tasty new features coming to GA4 next year.